C. Haner Law, PLLC

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(516) 888-5381

C. Haner Law, PLLC

What Is Elder Law?

The central function of an Elder Law Attorney is to assist with the planning of the client’s long-term care needs. Elder Law Estate Planning Lawyers transfer and structure the client’s assets so that the client will qualify for Medicaid benefits. Those are benefits that will be used to pay for at-home health care or for the expense of staying in a nursing home. They ensure that the client’s long-term care needs are met. A person can only have a limited amount of assets and income, in order to qualify for Medicaid. In most cases, Experienced Elder Care Law Attorneys will structure a person’s assets in trusts and by gifting them to trusted loved ones so that the client meets the requirements for Medicaid.

If you have questions about how to qualify for Medicaid now or in the future, you should reach out to an experienced Senior Law Attorney. The experts at C. Haner Law, PLLC will guide you through the process of protecting your assets. If you are located in or near Syosset, NY, call (516) 888-5381 for a consultation.

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When Should I Hire An Elder Law Attorney?

People often hire Elder Law Estate Planning Lawyers for a variety of legal reasons, when planning for the future. It only takes one mistake in planning to negatively affect the remainder of one’s lifetime. In order to avoid these mistakes, one should hire Experienced Elder Care Law Attorneys that are trusted.

Below are some indicators that a person should seek out an Elder Law Attorney.

  • They want to make sure that a spouse’s future is secure when they are entering a nursing home for long-term care.
  • They need legal solutions to housing problems, such as discrimination.
  • They want to file an age discrimination in employment claim.
  • They need to file a claim for Medicare, Medicaid, social security, or disability.
  • They need to create an estate plan.
  • They need legal representation for nursing home issues.

If you are ready to plan for future long-term care, you should consider Elder Law Estate Planning Lawyers. The experts at C. Haner Law, PLLC will assist you with any Elder Law issue that might arise. If you are located in or near Syosset, NY, call (516) 888-5381 for a consultation.

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How Can The Best Elder Law Attorney Near Me Help?

At C. Haner Law, PLLC, our experts can guide and assist you with a wide range of issues that you could find yourself encountering.

  1. An Elder Law Attorney can assist you in understanding and prioritizing your goals and planning for your future. In addition, they can help you designate loved ones as your decision makers, should you become unable to do so yourself.
  2. They can help you navigate challenging family situations. Some examples of those situations might be:
  • A loved one is mentally/physically incapacitated, and you need to plan for their care should you pass away.
  • You worry that your family will not be able to pay state or federal taxes should you pass away.
  • You want to protect your assets from a loved one who might use them carelessly.
  1. An experienced Elder Law Attorney will also help you explore long-term care options and treatments. They will help you prepare to receive Medicaid benefits.

If you have further questions about when and if you need to hire an Elder Care Attorney, do not hesitate to reach out to us. The experts at C. Haner Law, PLLC are ready to assist you in all Elder Law matters. If you are located in or near Syosset, NY, call (516) 888-5381 for a consultation.

Office Location

7600 Jericho Turnpike, Suite 301
Woodbury, NY 11797

Phone: (516) 888-5381

Monday - Friday: 9:30am to 7:00pm

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